France X is the first SceneryBox Business Class product.
France X - Business Class is the ideal product to connect all of your french HD add-ons.
Main Features:
- New SceneryBox technology: enhanced colors and soft frontiers
- 432 Airports, adjusted to fit the aerial imagery (runways, taxiways, aprons, ...) airport documentations (VAC, IAC, ARRDEP when available)
- Platform effect around airports are removed
- Over 550.000 sq. km available in one product ! (DOM-TOM not included)
- 4.75 m per pixel texture resolution over the whole country area based on aerial photos (not on satellite imagery)
- Mesh two times more detailed than FSX
- Detailed water mask
- Lakes and Seas processed and landable
- The scenery is designed and optimized for flights above 5000ft
- The scenery is optimized for the best quality / performance ratio
- Framerate friendly (no autogen)
- France X - Business Class is fully compatible with Hi-Res SceneryBox products
- Photo-textures (summer day) from the french geographic institute IGN
- Night version will come very soon ! (update free of charge)